One I've been abruptly pulled back into with the sad sad news of another bright and shining star passing out of this world and into the next on 10/24/2017 -
Victoria Davis, aka Victoria Hope aka
My old blog posts pop up on my FB feed every now and then and I sometimes take the opportunity to open the window to my past and refamiliarize myself with what was going on with me back then - fears, hopes and aspirations. Luckily for me my cancer experience is something I can take off the shelf, dust off and re-examine poignant reminders to live my life to the fullest. I haven't been doing that much lately, real life has gotten in my way, person tragedy, the loss of loved ones, illness and stress. I have been shut down and away from the world for quite a while.
Losing Victoria, who lived with her cancer everyday for 5 years + Ten months and really LIVED her life to the fullest for those 5 years and 10 months. Reading through her blog is a litany of tumors, surgeries, complications, more complications and still more tumors, yet she always managed to remain hopeful, to understand that the current state was temporary and the likelihood of good things coming to pass just as valid as not.
I have been in the situation where I envied her freedom to do what she wanted with the rest of her life, and actually DO it! despite her body's attempt to designate the opposite. I must take to heart the lessons she lived and shared with so many- it doesn't matter how much time you have in this world, (in fact we can never assume we know this anyway) but what matters is what you do with that time while you are here. thank you my friend, I will try to honor your memory by making sure I am living my life more and not letting my time here on earth just pass me by.
Well said.