Sunday, June 3, 2012

The return of Pixie Bad-Ass

TMI Alert: This blog contains content that may not be suitable for uptight viewers or children.

It's amazing what a cut and color can do to your spirit and attitude.The fact that I have enough hair now to allow a cut and color is also a spirit raiser. This is what I looked like last week after going to my oldest step-daughter's graduation honor ceremony. She is graduating Summa Cum Laude, also a member of NHS and plans to study Pre-law at Lake Forest University in Chicago. I'm so proud of her.  We've had our rocky relationship, but she has a good head on shoulders and I KNOW she likes to argue about everything so she might make a great litigator!  

Anyway, since I was all made up I thought I'd get a shot in of my ever thickening hair.  I love the style, it's so easy, and I feel chic when I'm all gussied up, but there was just a little TOO much salt in the pepper for my peace of mind.  So after consulting with my Oncology team (stylist's orders) I was in this past Wednesday for a "DO" over. And Voila! I suddenly have sass and attitude.  My stylist even managed a mini mohawk!
I was totally geeked.  In three weeks I will participate in the Lowell Relay for Life for the American Cancer Society.  I am planning on adding some purple somewhere on my head, I'm just not sure where. I need to get some pre-natal vitamins to get the hair and the nails growing back again.
I've been keeping my nails short and painted just because they look so horrible, but most are starting to look more normal.  I have a few that are probably going to need a few more months before they are back to normal.  My toenails, also have interesting white stripes across them, and my big toes the nail lifts all the way back to almost the middle of the nail.  I'm keeping THOSE painted as well....right now in "Troublemaker" Purple in honor of my girl Victoria, who is recovering from the first of her surgeries for stage 4 colorectal cancer.
She and her hubs went on an adventure vacation in between her chemo/rads and her surgery out to the Appalachians, and caught this lovely picture of her faerie sprite personality that portrays her perfectly.  Just add Glitter and fairy wings for the whole deal.

I haven't been writing as much because I've been doing a TON of things, and also NOT a ton of things due to my finally having my 2nd boob surgery, which is my last- Hopefully for awhile.  The surgery went well, I was on restricted activity for 4 weeks!  Almost killed me...but I got pretty adept at watching past episodes of Deadliest Catch on Netflix and also painting my son's Warhammer miniatures.....more on that in another post!.  Anyway. Here is the outcome the first day after surgery. As you can see, I'm symmetrical again....mostly...the difference being that the right one bounces and the left one....doesn't.  In this photo even though I'm trying not to flex my pectoral muscles, you can see a little of the wrinkling on the roboboob. That will never go away, thought I'm hoping that once I get the tattoo on it, it won't be as noticeable  The date for the girls inked-out rockin' roadtrip has been set for the weekend before the 4th of July.  I'm REALLY wishing it to come sooner, but then again, I told my boss that I thought I'd be coming back to work the middle of July, so the time remaining is bittersweet.

I've been doing so much more, but I think I will postpone the updates for another time, the baby bunnies I got the week I had my surgery, why my dog Max got kicked out of Rally class for being naughty and the potential of my son's Bretonian warhammer army may be completed before I go back to work.

And journey goes on......


  1. Love your new 'do! I had my head shaved a few weeks ago and my remaining hair is falling out. So it's encouraging to see it will come back! Keep on truckin'.

  2. Thanks Lori.... Yes it does come back... This is almost 16 weeks PFC (post effin' chemo). I'm also noticing a bit of curl so I'm torn between short short versus seein if I get some chemo curls!!! May have to wait for fall until I grow it out!
    ~Lori (pixie)

  3. You look great! So glad the surgery went well for you!

    Can't wait to hear all your updates!


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